How To Prepare for Your First Interpersonal Psychotherapy Session

Renee Clauselle of Renee Clauselle Wellness, serving Garden City, NY, and the nearby region, offers psychotherapy to help you change negative thought patterns, explore your unconscious, grow as a person, and improve your relationships with others. If you've never had interpersonal psychotherapy, however, you may wonder how you should prepare.

List All Questions and Concerns

 You may be a bit nervous when you first go in for interpersonal psychotherapy in Garden City, NY if you don't know what to expect. Therefore, we recommend you write down any questions or concerns you have. 

If you're specifically trying to work on a certain area, list it so you won't forget to mention it at the appointment.

Write Down All Medications and Conditions

 Just like you would if you went to see a primary care physician or specialist, you'll need to complete a medical history report at your first appointment. You'll need to answer questions about the medications you take and the conditions you have. Ultimately, this can help our practitioner guide your treatment and ensure we only prescribe medications, if needed, that are safe for your current health and any drugs you take.

Try to Stay Calm

 Nervousness can impede open communication with your practitioner, which can alter the treatment plan in general and even the outcome of your care. We strongly urge you to try to remain calm. Think about the positive changes this can bring. If you need to, try to meditate or healthily channel your anxiousness.

Plan Ahead 

 If you're having a telehealth visit, be certain you have the necessary app to do it and that it works. You don't want to scramble around at the last minute to try and enter the session. If you have others in the house, you'll want a quiet space, and you may want to use headphones if you'd like to keep the session private.

On the other hand, if you're visiting the office, make sure you consider traffic around that time of day and leave in enough time to arrive at least 15 minutes early for paperwork. 

Know What Kind of Treatment You Want

 While the practitioner will determine the appropriate level of care, you do have a say in the matter. Are you strictly against all medications? Or, are there certain meds you don't want to be on? We want you to receive a care plan you're comfortable with, so let us know.

Dr. Clauselle stresses the importance of preparing for your visit at Renee Clauselle Wellness, serving Garden City, NY, and the general vicinity. It certainly will help you make the most of your psychotherapy appointment.

Call us at (516) 900-7589 today.

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Hours of Operation

Renee Clauselle Wellness, PC


9:00 am-9:00 pm


9:00 am-9:00 pm


9:00 am-9:00 pm


9:00 am-9:00 pm


9:00 am-9:00 pm


9:00 am-3:00 pm

